Sometimes, one may wonder whether is it necessary to put a lot of focus on school interior design. Well, the answer is, a definite yes. Many times, some designers may overlook the importance of a school interior design when they compare it to residential interior design. In fact, it is more than that.

The school interior designer may have to look into these factors.

#1 Ease of Movement

Always remember that a class of 30 to 40 is good enough for a conventional school interior design layout. As for classes that are naturally smaller when the teacher has about 10 to 15 students per class, it may not necessary need to shrink the size of the classroom.

Therefore, it is paramount for the commercial interior design to visualise the movement within the classroom based on the students per teacher ratio as well as the activities they’ll be doing the class, so that they can come out with the best possible school interior design for better ease of movement.

# 2 Allocation of Space

Space varies in many aspect of the school, and it depends on the curriculum or the priority of the school management. For example, in a school that is highly focused on achieving in sports, it is therefore important for the commercial interior design to be in such a way that the focus will be on building efficient sports facilities for the school. If the school has a capacity of more than 800 students, the designer can perhaps create a comfortable assembly for the them.

#3 Better Safety Standards

Safety standards are grouped in two ways. Firstly, is on the selection of building materials. It is important to find a reliable commercial interior designer that will use its allocated budget to purchase quality building materials with high safety standards such as high slip resistant flooring, low VOC emission building materials and so on. The other aspect in terms of safety is to identify potential safety hazards and prevent such hazards from happening in the school. For example ,cushioning of the school shelther’s pillars, or adding netting below windows to prevent passers-by from getting hit from things thrown out of the windows, etc. In other words, it is about building improvement to enhance safety standards in the schools.

All in all, it is important to put some focus on a school interior design as they are as unique and important as any type of interior design projects.